Collective agreements
Your collective agreement sets out your rights and responsibilities at work. If you have any questions or concerns about your treatment, please talk to your shop steward or a member of the executive team.
Our bylaws set out the rules for how our local democratically elects our representatives, and how it is run.
If your collective agreement has benefits negotiated, you can provide easy access to the provider’s page(s) here, along with a simple explanation of what is and isn’t covered.
Full-time employees please click the link to Sun life and enter your access id and password to get the full detail of your coverage.
Part-time Cupe members please click the link below to be directed to the employers website to find out what it is you are entitled to.
Inquiries about the DB Provisions, Retirement Planner, and pension-related correspondence should be directed to The Hospital for Sick Children Pension Centre
- Toll-free: 1-855-881-1845
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Note: If you are currently a full or part-time employee, pension estimates can only be run based on your current classification (i.e., standard hours worked per week). Running projections based on a future change in your SickKids full-time equivalent is currently not available.
If you are currently classified as a Casual employee you cannot run pension estimates through the Retirement Planner as you do not have an assigned number of working hours.
Contact Aon Hewitt at 1-855-881-1845 with questions related to the DB Retirement Planner.