
Negotiating Committee

The Negotiating Committee is formed once a year in order to prepare collective bargaining proposals  and to negotiate/re-negotiate a Collective Agreement on behalf of the membership between CUPE and the employer. The parties usually focus on such issues as wages, working conditions, grievance procedures and fringe benefits.

The committee for this local is comprised of 5 members of the executive team and an elected member.

Leonora Foster

Dean Pessanha

Michelle Collins

Katherine White

Gus Giftakopaulos

Donald Hall


Grievance Committee

The Grievance Committee is composed of the Chief Steward(s) and four elected CUPE members. The Grievance Committee acts as a second set of eyes on grievances that have failed at Step 3 of the grievance procedure.  The purpose of the committee is to review cases that has been denied at Step 3, but that a steward believes should be taken forward to arbitration.  The steward presents the case to the Grievance Committee, in the presence of our National Rep, and argues why this case should be taken to the next level.  The Committee then discusses the case and makes a decision about whether the case will move forward, or if it will be closed.